IT Services Experts in Southern California Can Keep You and Your Business Contemporary

Learn Your Terms

IT services experts in Southern California help you stay contemporary on modern terms describing technology. Following are six tech terms your business will likely encounter in the near future. Understanding them helps you understand options and how best to handle such issues. The following list will be explored:

  • Scalability
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Software Bug
  • Virtualization
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Zero Day Threats


Using IT services in Southern California is essential to making your company able to expand. This is basic scalability. But scalability also includes contraction as business needs predicate.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

SLAs constitute a contract between a service provider and the client they serve. Basically, this is how you keep an MSP (Managed Service Provider) honest. Signatures from managing parties on either side of the SLA are required.

Software Bug

When some little error hampers software, that is a software bug. This is always unintended, and the thing about bugs is you can’t get rid of them–unless you could eliminate mankind’s natural imperfection. Debugging refers to the process of chasing down bugs and fixing them.


Imagine renting an apartment in a building. Well, in comparison, the hard drive is your building, and virtualization is renting a room therein. Basically, either a server or hard drive is partitioned for some specific use, and after that partitioning, it acts as though it is functioning on its own. Operating systems, storage devices, servers, networks, and more can be virtualized. Better infrastructure in terms of IT at a reduced cost is the chief advantage of virtualization.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN is designed across infrastructure that is public for increased security of users in terms of data transmission. Encryption is a prime component of VPNs. ExpressVPN, Advanced VPN, Hotspot Shield, and PureVPN are all common types.

Zero Day Threats

Derived from “zeroth”, which is a term related to the time a system is exploited, zero day threats refer to cybercriminals who exploit security system vulnerabilities either on the day, or before the day, a given developer becomes aware of the issue. There’s no possible security fix. The good news is, such attacks come from hacker groups that are generally known and specific in their outreach. Most businesses won’t have to worry about these; but it’s good to secure against them any way possible through infrastructural failsafes, quarantine, etc.

Keep Up-To-Date

IT services experts in Southern California can help you keep up-to-date on the latest terminology and the latest tech in the industry. Contact us at ecasys Corporation for more information!